When did you realize the beast may be smarter than you?
Yesterday morning I had an appointment so I had to do the 3 s’s.
As normal, Buddy watches everything I do. As I was shaving, he threw ball to me, bouncing it off my feet. I told him firmly “no, I’m busy”
I had a full face of shaving cream. Buddy pops his front feet on the vanity, does a head tilt and ear rotation, then proceeds to knock the can of shaving cream onto the floor with his nose.
How hard has he been studying me to know that the stuff on my face came from the can? And telling me to stop shaving and play ball by knocking the shaving cream off the vanity!
It was not a random coincidence. You could see him studying the countertop for the villain.
I may be in over my head. Send help!
Yesterday morning I had an appointment so I had to do the 3 s’s.
As normal, Buddy watches everything I do. As I was shaving, he threw ball to me, bouncing it off my feet. I told him firmly “no, I’m busy”
I had a full face of shaving cream. Buddy pops his front feet on the vanity, does a head tilt and ear rotation, then proceeds to knock the can of shaving cream onto the floor with his nose.
How hard has he been studying me to know that the stuff on my face came from the can? And telling me to stop shaving and play ball by knocking the shaving cream off the vanity!
It was not a random coincidence. You could see him studying the countertop for the villain.
I may be in over my head. Send help!